jeudi 30 juin 2016

AWESOME "Say All" Album

Official "Say All" Audio from Nico Molaschi's debut album "Say All".

*Find it and buy it on iTunes*

S'il vous plaît, partagez avec votre famille, vos amis, voisins, collègues
et tous les gens qui vous entourent.
C'est important de supporter les jeunes artistes, spécialement lorsqu'ils sont talentueux.
Mille mercis par avance

PLEASE share with your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues
and all the people around you.
It's so important to support young artists, especially when they are talented
Thank you so much in advance

Late Night Sessions - "Winning Round"

Awesome ...
Don't miss the album coming out tomorrow ...
well actually today :-)
I look forward to it so much
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